BHEF Releases Playbook: Highlights strategic partnerships for successful workforce development

On September 27th, BHEF formally released The National Higher Education and Workforce Initiative: Forging Strategic Partnerships for Undergraduate Innovation and Workforce Development during a National Undergraduate STEM Partnership meeting at the White House.  This compilation of scaling strategies serves as a playbook for other groups interested in developing their own strategic business engagement in their region.  The publication is available from BHEF’s website, and a limited number of print copies are available as well.  

The release of the playbook complemented the meeting’s theme of scale. Partners heard from thought leaders at foundations, federal agencies, businesses, and universities about programs that have the potential to create national impact, and they explored options and possibilities for disseminating learning.  Partners then discussed the tactical challenges facing this group and offered input on potential National Undergraduate STEM Partnership activities.

Together, the playbook and the meeting at the White House affirm BHEF’s commitment to implementing regional strategies that can scale nationally. 

About the Business-Higher Education Forum
Now in its 35th year, BHEF is the nation's oldest membership organization of Fortune 500 CEOs and research university presidents dedicated to advancing innovative education and workforce solutions and improving U.S. competitiveness. BHEF's business and academic members collaborate in regions across the country to design and deploy education-workforce solutions in the high-demand and emerging fields that are so critical to innovation and national security. BHEF and its members drive change locally, work to influence public policy at the national and state levels, and inspire other leaders to act.